Si14 LLC is rated 3 out of 5 in the category financial services. Read and write reviews about Si14 LLC., (German), (Russian) SERVICES OF MECHANIZED TRADE SYSTEMS Si14 Fund is an innovator in the investment control system The simulated system of relationship between the fund and an investor has a 100% guarantee of risks elimination for an investor: Investment management is on registered investor’s accounts. Si14 Fund specialists create the mechanized trade system (MTS) on investor’s trade account. Only an Investor has access to his finances. Complete performance control of the mechanized trade system (MTS )s executed by a fund specialists. Performance method with Si14 Fund. A client chooses the required capital management strategy given below A client signs the agreement with Si14 Fund to install and rent MTS (previously having consulted with the manager) The manager agrees with a Client the Broker company choice serving Client's trade account Si14 Fund specialists (after signing the agreement and a 100% advance payment according to the chosen strategy) determine the mechanized trade system and send the operation manual. Cooperation Safety. An investor has full access to his means, and also an opportunity to siphon off trading account funds, to stop trade, to refuse cooperation in his sole discretion at any time
Montenegro, Budva Previor PUT BB 59
Company size
11-50 employees